Sunday, July 16, 2006

All bloggers out there

well hello this is my first post and hope to get some responses
this is about life and the way to live it "MY STYLE"
live life king size smoke dope fun frolic and yeah term ends its time for action dont let your parents down and do belive in yourself
well was searching as what the term nirvana means and got a disscusion on this topic which im posting
I wonder about reincarnation–it makes a lot of sense, except for the eventual nirvana part. That sounds like a comforting thought, that if we work out all our stuff, eventually we’ll “achieve” a final, permanent peace. But doesn’t that sound just like Christianity’s “earn your heaven” idea?

What if there really isn’t any galactic permanent record? What if the moment is all there is, and either we enjoy it or we don’t?

I’ve been thinking of the sand art of the Tibetan Buddhists. They make elaborate “paintings” with colored sand - and then they sweep them all up. It’s all about the essential impermanence of things.

So where does nirvana fit into this? Is there really such a thing as permanent peace? It seems like basically this would mean you just aren’t human anymore. It seems to me like being human is by definition an exercise in impermanence. Not just the fact that you get sick or die, but that your body is in a constant state of flux: eating, sleeping, feeling, etc. We’re just moving energy patterns. So Nirvana would have to be a non-bodied state, or a state so beyond bodies that having one would not take you out of your essential oneness with everything, the way it does so often with mere mortals.

Hmm. Wikipedia says that niravana actually can be attained while living. And that it isn’t something you achieve through “an act of creation or an agglomeration of causative factors”, it’s a realization of that which has always been true and can never be destroyed–the essential, eternal, truth. It sounds like they are saying that nirvana is a permanent state of being completely in the knowledge of yourself as a spiritual being, and living from that.

So–apparently this is the “sofa in the sky”. Because you’d be done. You’d be done with the entire up-down all-around crazy-tiring-inspiring-passionate life of being human.

I wonder. From what I’ve experienced, one is never done with something until one is done. So if the same is true for the “human” existence itself, for samsara, then a being would only become enlightened when it was really done with being unenlightened. It’s not something you can force–force is the definition of attachment. If you are attached to becoming enlightened, it won’t happen. But you’ll probably learn to become unattached, and then it might. But only if your soul really is done experiencing this “life” thing, this rowdy fullness of living, this “ten million things” existence.

Am I ready to be enlightened? To give this all up and float? Apparently not. Are you?


At 5:05 AM, Blogger nix said...

oh nirvana!
seeing the sun rise
laughing out loud with buddies
walking on the dewed green grass
first kiss..first hold of hand
holding a new born baby
drizzle hitting u on the face

thats nirvana my friend


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